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20.1 CrossFit Open - Sara Sigmundsdóttir's Personal Tips and Tricks

Written by Trifecta | October 5, 2019 at 8:07 PM

The new era of CrossFit has arrived! Not only is the probably the only time we will see two Opens in a calendar year, but there are sure to be plenty of surprises and shake-ups as we make our way to the next Games. 

Ready to get your WOD on? Get expert tips, tricks, and strategies from the one and only Sara Sigmundsdóttir for 20.1 and each Open workout ahead. 

CrossFit Open 20.1 Workout 

The CrossFit Open 20.1 is as follows:

10 rounds for time of:
8 ground-to-overheads (aka a snatch or clean & jerk)
10 bar-facing burpees

Time cap: 15 minutes


  • Weight for men - 95 lbs.
  • Weight for women - 65 lbs. 

Sara Sigmundsdottir's Strategy

This workout is a burner! Pace yourself in the beginning. Don't chalk unless you really need it. Accept the pain and keep going. 

You can choose a snatch, clean and jerk, or both. Break it up so there is a bigger set in the beginning of each floor to overhead round - start with a set of five and then you only have three left. 

Focus on your breathing, don;t hold your breath in. Breath in when you pick up the bar and out when its overhead - keep a good rhythm of breath. 

For burpees, you are shooting for 100 total, so aim to keep a good pace that you can stick with. It may not feel like 100 the first two rounds since your adrenaline is pumping, but all of a sudden you are going to hit a wall.

Start slow and increase the speed each round. Or stay consistent and then amp it up on the last round by going all out.

Suggested Warm Up

Get your cardio going on the assault bike, rower, or skier, followed by a few rounds of the workout with lower reps just to practice the transitions.

Followed by 2 rounds of:

  • 2 to 4 ground to overhead (all snatch, all clean and jerk or alternating depending on what you are plannign to do for the workout.
  • 2 to 4 bar-facing burpees


The warm-up is crucial. 

This is a high heart rate workout and you have to feel the "panic" breathing before you start the workout. 

Start with a heart rate opener for about 20 minutes to get you sweating - starting at a low intensity and ending pretty high for the last two minutes. 

If it feels like you are warming up too hard, you're probably on track because you'll take a five to ten minute rest before you start. 

Drink plenty of water and think about adding in electrolytes and a little sugar to fuel your engine. 

To get the details on future workouts and be first to hear Sara Sigmundsdóttir's advice and suggested warm-up, be sure to subscribe to the Trifecta YouTube channel.

CrossFit Open Predictions

As we predicted, it's a long one! Six of the past nine Open workouts have been 15 minutes or longer, so it's no surprise we see this again in 20.1. Hope your engine is ready!

With the announced changes to the 2020 CrossFit Games, we knew 20.1 would likely be a true CrossFit style workout. And like most early Open WODs it's accessible for the community to participate in.

So what's next?

We know that every single open since the beginning has featured these four movements at least once:

  • Double unders
  • Chest-to-bar
  • Toes-to-bar
  • Thrusters 

So it's a pretty good bet, we will see them again.

And these workouts are sure to see heavy lifts, more complex movements, and more challenging movements like some handstands or handstand walking. So get ready! 

Check out last years 19.1 Open and 19.2 Open with tips from Rich Froning. 

Work on Your Moves

Need a refresher on certain CrossFit movements? The Trifecta app breaks down the fundamentals of core movements, so you can fine tune your form and smash your WOD.