Trifecta - Nutrition & Fitness

2022 CrossFit Open Workout 22.1: Sara Sigmundsdóttir's Tips for Success

Written by Trifecta | February 24, 2022 at 11:00 PM

Week 1 of the 2022 CrossFit Open is finally here and whether you’re competing for qualification or just for fun, these tips and tactics from Sara Sigmundsdóttir will help you prepare for, and crush, workout 22.1  



CrossFit Open Workout 22.1 

The first workout of the CrossFit Open has dropped and it's no joke. 

Workout 22.1 requires completing as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 

  • 3 wall walks
  • 12 dumbbell snatches
  • 15 box jump-overs (with a twist, you have to step down, you can't bounce back)

Sara Sigmundsdottir's 22.1 Strategy

Crossfit didn't hold back when they designed this workout and it's sure to put your body and fitness to the test.

Start off by going in with a plan, from a well-thought-out warm-up to executing the movements with precision and purpose.

Remember to have fun with it, enjoy each movement, and be thankful for what your body and mind can accomplish! 

22.1 Warm-Up

Start with a 40-45 minute warm-up focused on tuning into your breath.

Break into a sweat and get your heart rate up by doing a few sprints or hitting the assault bike; you WANT to breathe hard, so you hit your limit and get your body moving. 

Once you're warmed up, switch to stretching out the core muscle groups the movements are going to target. In this case, you'll want to stretch out your shoulders, back, and calves because all of these areas are going to feel the burn. 

After stretching, try a few rounds of the workout. Go for 1-2 wall walks, 5 dumbbell snatches, and a few box jump-overs to get your body aligned with the motions, and most importantly to condition your breath to your movements. 

"You WANT to breathe hard, so you hit your limit and get your body moving." 

Be among the first to score expert tips and strategies for workouts 22.2 and 22.3 by subscribing to the Trifecta YouTube channel.

Sara Sigmundsdóttir's 22.1 Tips

1. Start Slow, Finish Strong. 

In the beginning, it may feel easy and you'll want to speed up...don't.  

If you push hard at the beginning, you'll ultimately hit a wall and burn out. It's a tough 15 minutes because every movement is a high-heart rate movement and there are no breaks,

If you're attempting a certain number of rounds, time yourself for how long 1 round takes you and then use that to set a consistent pace for the rest of the rounds. 

Pace yourself in the beginning then go hard in the last 5 minutes; start slow, finish strong. 

This is especially true if you're doing the scaled version. Finding a pace you can hold constantly for 15 minutes is going to benefit you more than trying to go all-out right out of the gate. 

"If you push hard at the beginning, you'll ultimately hit a wall and burn out."

2. Your Breath is Your Hidden Power. 

Breathing through each movement at every station is going to help you pace yourself, control your heart rate, and pinpoint your focus. 

The box jump-overs are going to be the box step-overs. By this point, you'll be breathing super hard and have to switch back to the crawls. 

On the last 3 sets of the box step-overs, try to bring more focus to your breath, really breathing through each micro-movement you make. The more you focus on your breath, the more you can tune into your heart rate and focus less on how much energy you're expending. 

"Try to bring more focus to your breath, really breathing through each micro-movement you make."

3. Remember to Have Fun.

At the end of the day, you chose this, so remember how much fun it is and enjoy it! This is your choice to celebrate your body and your mental fortitude. 

You worked for this. You've put in the time, sweat, and tears. So, no matter the outcome, be thankful for what your body and mind are capable of accomplishing. 

"If you die, you die!" 


Follow Sara Sigmundsdóttir on Instagram. 

Sara Sigmundsdóttir's Favorite Pre-and-Post Workout Meals

Crossfit athletes succeed because they build healthy habits in all areas of their life, not just with their workout routines. What you eat can make or break your performance, which is why Sara Sigmundsdóttir uses Trifecta Meal Delivery to help crush her nutrition and fuel her health goals. 

Here are some of Sara's favorite pre and post-workout meal tips: 

  • Pre-workout I'm a rice kind of woman. Sometimes I'll mix in a bit of protein, but either way, I'm sticking to a carb-heavy pre-workout meal to fuel my body and make sure I have the energy I need to succeed.  
  • Post-Workout I like to enjoy a big meal within 20 minutes, refueling my body with rice, protein, and vegetables. No matter what, I'm aiming to get a balanced and flavorful meal to replete glycogen stores and prepare my muscles for recovery and my next workout.

Sara prefers to order our bulk meal prep to build her pre and post-workout meals and enjoys having ready-to-portion carbohydrates and proteins to meet her specific nutrition needs. 

Some of her favorite Trifecta Meal Prep Ingredients

  • Smashed Sweet Potatoes
  • White Rice
  • Sustainably caught Shrimp and Salmon 
  • Beyond Burgers

Sara mixes and matches to meet her needs and builds delicious bowls to help her crush the CrossFit Games!

Visit Trifecta's CrossFit page to discover why champions rely on Trifecta to fuel their success.