Trifecta - Nutrition & Fitness

Easy Paleo Chili Beef Recipe

Written by Chef Mario Limaduran | August 4, 2019 at 11:00 PM

This is the perfect paleo chili beef recipe.

It’s delicious, it’s simple, and it’s quick. And best of all? It has chocolate - how real beef chili should be made (yes, there are many ways, but for the love of food, please include cacao of some sort)!

Stick with me on this one. Please please please, don't get scared by the amount of ingredients you see here - I’ve made this as simple as possible with staple ingredients you’ll most likely have in your pantry. Add whatever veggies you desire, but to keep it simple. In this case, we’ve only added Trifecta’s bell peppers, but feel free to add Trifecta's zucchini or any other ingredients you feel would increase the quality of this recipe.

Remember that this recipe, though properly made, it is just a guideline. The person who will give this recipe its soul, is you.