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How Busy Mom, Tiffany Lost Nearly 150 lbs

Like many other working moms, Tiffany Head found it extremely difficult after bearing 3 children to get back into shape. After multiple surgeries and a near-death scare, she decided it was time to back control of her life and with the help of her husband, she's lost over 145 pounds eating healthy and getting on a consistent fitness regiment.

Keep scrolling to learn more about how it all started and how Trifecta's Meal Prep has helped her along the way. 

Tiffany's Weight Loss Story

Its definitely been a journey, I was an athlete in high school. But after high school, I really stopped doing any kind of fitness or doing anything active. I went to college, got married, and started having kids in my early 20s.

As I started having kids, I was gaining more and more weight with pregnancies and just got more sedentary over the course of 10 years. I had 3 kids and went back to work and did all the things Moms do and I really just stopped taking care of myself.

I just got to the point where I was really unhealthy. At my heaviest, I weighed 315 pounds and that was really hard physically. In all of that, I would have a lot of things happen where I would get really sick and I would end up in the hospital. My body was shutting down and not functioning well under all the weight and lack of exercise.

I had to have a hysterectomy in my 30s and also got my gallbladder removed and things were just not looking well for me at that point.

It was during that time when I was in the hospital having surgeries and feeling sick and tired all the time that my husband, on the contrary, was Mr. Fitness. He always had been really athletic and stayed really healthy. He’s a high school sports coach and he’s a really active guy. He found Crossfit in all the middle of me getting unhealthy and he would do it in our garage and I just never wanted to have anything to do with it.

At first glance, it looked a little bit scary and intimidating. But, when I got to the point where I was so unhealthy and so sick I finally realized when I was 35 years old that I had to change something or I was going to die young. I had that feeling that things are going so bad so quickly, this isn’t going to end well.

"I had to be ready to take the help and it wasn’t until that point that I was ready. I had to make that choice to get healthy." - Tiffany Head, Redlands, CA

At the age of 35 when I was having a hysterectomy, I actually came out of the surgery and made a big life decision to change the course of my life. I wanted to change the way I was heading because I didn’t like the way it was heading.

My husband, being passionate and loving Crossfit the way he did was like, ‘Sweet I can help you!’ He had always been there, but I had to be ready to take the help and it wasn’t until that point that I was ready. I had to make that choice to get healthy. So when I was ready, he was ready to help.

lifting weights for weight loss

How I Found Trifecta

My husband and I were at the Crossfit games two years ago. It was 2017 and our company Romwod had a booth and we were game sponsors. We were watching the games and watching the events and Trifecta food was there and around. We were able to taste it for the first time while we were there and when we got home, we immediately opened up our account because it is just so delicious.

We were like, ‘Wait we can get this delivered to our house?!’ 

It’s something that as soon we got our hands and on it and as soon as we realized it was out there we got our hands on it right away.

"It (Trifecta) allows me to completely portion control by having the Meal Prep. That is the #1 way that I’ve ordered. It’s allowed to have my portion sizes and still have the variety all there, so that makes everything easier."

Find out which Trifecta Meal Plan can help you optimize your health by using the quiz below: 

Without a doubt, in all of the dieting that I’ve done one of the biggest things that I hate is preparing food. I’m really bad at it, whatever I make is super boring and super bland and it’s just not my #1 skill. I’ve never ever done meal prepping, but with this, I love that I’ve been able to order Trifecta Meal Prep and get all the things that I like.

I’m kind of particular in the things that I like and I don’t like my food to touch so being able to order it this way and having just the proteins that I love and the sweet potatoes that I like is completely good & ready to go it tastes better than what I make is amazing. I can also portion it out that way, exactly what I need per day, per meal. It allows me to completely portion control by having Trifecta Meal Prep. That is the #1 way that I’ve ordered. It’s allowed to have my portion sizes and still have the variety all there, so that makes everything easier.

How Meal Prep Changed My Life

I think about everything I put in my mouth and having this makes my life so easy. Having everything ready for me to take to the gym takes so much off my mental plate has totally freed me up. I’ve been able to enjoy things out of the house. If I know my breakfast and lunch are done with Trifecta food and I’m a busy mom so I know I’m going to be out with my kids all day I can grab something on the go because I have those meals. Its definitely given me a lot more options in what I can do with my free time.

weight lifting for weight loss

How To Get Started On Your Weight Loss Journey

I think at the beginning, it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed by all the things in your life that have to change. If you’re at this weight that is so unhealthy, it means that you’re not working out, you’re not meal prepping, you’re not thinking about those things and that’s what’s gotten you to that point.

So, when it’s time to think about changing your life and making healthier changes, and getting yourself healthy it can feel so overwhelming at first.

What I had to learn to do, was that I had to seek help and be able to receive help in any area that I could. When it came to fitness, my husband was there for me because I didn’t know how to work out. I didn’t know what to do at the gym. So, within our Crossfit gym and having coaches around me I got guidance in my workout."

Tiffany took one decision that changed the trajectory of her life forever,  do you think you have what it takes to do the same? Let Trifecta be there with you along the way and join on the meal-prepping journey to a better, healthier you, and let us do the cooking for you. 

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