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How Ingrid Romero Used Nutrition to Fuel Her Comeback

Ingrid Romero was at the top of her game when life threw her two curveballs at once. Keep reading to discover why proper nutrition played such a monumental role in her response and how it continues to be a source of stability, motivation, and success. 

Ingrid Romero's Story

Working out and nutrition go hand-in-hand. Your workouts are powered by the way you eat. You will have more endurance. You will feel stronger. You will be able to recover faster.

As a competitive athlete, I needed to eat a lot of food to build muscle. Not a little bit of food. It was like a job. 

I got pregnant with twins while I was competing and had a hard time with it. I was at the top of my career–like the very top. I remember thinking to myself, “Wow, I finally found something I’m good at and I’m pregnant. I’m losing weight and building muscle and feeling super sexy. Now, I have not one, but two kids in there. I’m not coming back from this. I’m going to get all these crazy stretch marks. What am I going to do with my life now?”


“I remember thinking to myself, I’m not coming back from this. What am I going to do with my life now?”

But, my body transformed back within three months because of the nutrition I had prior to my pregnancy. That shows why nutrition is so important. 

That’s why I love Trifecta. I’m not just eating healthy, I’m eating organic and grass-fed. I’ve been living Trifecta for five years now. It’s the only food I have in the fridge. My kids eat it, we all eat it.

I’m also always on the go. In addition to twins and four dogs, I have a competition team, a supplement line, a bikini line, and a clothing line. I travel tons, so having Trifecta ready to go helps me succeed and keeps me out of the drive-through.

“That’s why I love Trifecta. I’m not just eating healthy, I’m eating organic and grass-fed.”

Scaling Back and Being OK with It

I don’t work out as much as I used to. Right now, I work out three times a week and I call it a win because there’s a lot going on in life. And that’s something that’s so important for people to know. If you sometimes go a month without training, it’s going to be ok.

And if you’re feeling stressed, write it down. I believe all the racing thoughts and the stress go away when you write it down. And that’s not just true about working out or eating. Ask yourself, what are you grateful for today? What did you master today? What are three little things you have to accomplish today? If I have little micro-goals that I hit every day, those big goals seem a lot easier.

Ingrid Romero nutrition journaling

Feeding the Motivation to Succeed

When I’m working out, it’s almost like I inhale all the endorphins and exhale all the negativity. When I’m training, I feel that I can dream big. When I’m training I feel like I’m a better mother, a better wife. When I’m training, I feel proud of showing up for myself. When I’m training I feel like I can conquer the world. 

But sometimes, with everything life throws at us, we feel like we lose the motivation. It’s not the workout, it’s the way we eat. Trifecta keeps me pushing forward by keeping me fueled with clean, healthy, delicious food. If it can do that for me, I’m confident it can do it for everyone. 


“With everything life throws at us, we feel like we lose the motivation. It’s not the workout, it’s the way we eat.”

Discover how Trifecta provides the food, support, and tools you need to stay motivated.

How It Works