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How Johanna Lost 40 lbs and Lowered Her Blood Pressure

Working an office job and having to sit for multiple hours, 5 days a week can make it difficult to maintain an active and nutritious lifestyle on a day-to-day basis. For Johanna, working a sedentary job and dealing with high-blood pressure made it that much harder for her to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. On top of dealing with anxiety and confidence, continue reading to learn more about what has helped Johanna.

Meet Johanna

I work in escrow and I moved from LA to Santa Barbara about a year ago, during this stressful time I was about 214 pounds. I really needed a kick start for my health and I had no idea where to start. I had horrible eating habits, so my boyfriend,  Jake, suggested we start ordering Trifecta.

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Before Trifecta

I was very unsuccessful prior to Trifecta. I had been telling myself to go to the gym and try to do things and the weight just wasn’t coming off and I realized it was mostly my diet. Working out really hindered me because I was so heavy. I was 214 pounds, hurting my knees constantly and as soon as I factored in better eating habits with Trifecta everything changed.

"The weight started coming off, my back was hurting less and my knees felt better so it’s been an all around change and it’s been Trifecta that takes up 80% of my diet." - Johanna Lopez, Lompoc, CA 

The weight started coming off, my back was hurting less and my knees felt better so it’s just been an all around change and it’s all been thanks to Trifecta, which takes up 80% of our(boyfriend & hers) diet. 

Starting Up with Trifecta

We started Trifecta in May of 2017 and my experience with Trifecta has been awesome. At first we had no idea what to expect but its pretty much made our everyday life easier. We always have meals in the freezer and easy for us to grab one and go. We have 3 set meals with Trifecta and they are healthy, help put a pep in my step and help further my health goals.

When I started I was 214 pounds and in a year I lost about 40 pounds and I’ve been able to maintain it off since then. I still have a lot more weight I want to lose but again diet has been the biggest factor for me and it’s just super easy with Trifecta. Nowadays, I'm able to do longer hikes and my dog and I are constantly challenging ourselves with bigger hikes and right now we are trying to conquer all the local hikes in our area.

Confidence Booster with Trifecta

It’s definitely improved my confidence. When you gain a ton of weight it just hinders everything, your sleep, your interactions, and its been such a huge confidence booster for me with slowly but surely meeting my goals.

My weight had really gotten me down and it was very frustrating for me in social situations. I can’t say enough how much it helped my anxiety. Being healthier and losing weight has made me more outgoing. I was crazy nervous in public and I felt little defeated and insecure. Now that I’ve seen progress it makes me hopeful for bigger fitness goals.

Meals Tailored For Me and Keep Me Within Budget

We started on the Paleo meal plan and eventually switched over to the classics. I love adding in some Tapatio to the classic meals. (#yummy!)

Trifecta has also helped us with our budget. Before my boyfriend & I would go to the grocery store and we would spend $400 a week and with Trifecta we have a set budget. So we have a plan of how much we are going to spend on food and we have that extra amount of money for ourselves.

Discover what meal plan can help you conquer your goals: 

"Now that I've changed to healthier eating habits I don't feel the symptoms of my high-blood pressure as much anymore."

Dealing with High-Blood Pressure

I was dealing with high blood pressure and the side effects of that. Now that I’ve moved up to healthier eating habits I don’t get the side effects as much. I don’t feel the tinging in my ears and then my blood pressure goes up. I feel my health getting better.

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Whether you're looking to lose weight, build muscle, or even gain weight, Trifecta can help.

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