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How John Kicked His Weight Loss into Over Drive and Lost 50 lbs with Trifecta

He's the ultimate trifecta – dancer, Crossfit enthusiast, and weight-loss protégé who discovered Trifecta through following social media influencers such as Brooke Ence. Learn how John optimized his health with Trifecta.

Meet John

He's the ultimate trifecta – dancer, Crossfit enthusiast and weight-loss protégé who discovered Trifecta through following social media influencers such as Brooke Ence. Some of his friends also used different meal delivery services which peaked his interest but he wasn’t sold until seeing the impact Trifecta had on influencers like Brooke's active lifestyle. This hit home, because similar to Brooke, John also used to be in classical dance and gymnastics growing up. 

playing with dog healthy lifestyle

Why Trifecta?

I had just recently started RP and there was so much food to make, most of it being protein, and I’m a horrible cook so I did some research which initially led me to Trifecta.

When I started Trifecta I was on the Clean meal plan and liked the way it tasted but then I found a la carte and I was like HELL YEAH!

One of my favorite things to do is to transform a la carte items into exciting new meals. Steak, for example, I'll use to make fajitas or take the turkey patties and turn them into turkey tacos. It tastes good and is easy to make.

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“I was losing weight pretty gradually but once I stuck to my regimented daily intake, my body composition drastically changed." - John Gramlich, Norman, OK

I lost 50 pounds just by cooking for myself and exercising regularly but didn’t understand the macro portion of it.

I would get so bored of my own cooking because it was dry and bland but after switching to Trifecta, I was able to dial in my macros.

This helped me stick to eating the meals 6-7 days a week and from there, my body went into overdrive and the rest of the weight just flew off (another 50 pounds). I was losing weight pretty gradually but once I stuck to my regimented daily intake, my body composition drastically changed. 

how to lose 50 pounds weight loss

Building Healthy Habits

I go to a Crossfit gym that has a strength side to it, focusing on Olympic weightlifting so it’s fun for me because I do a lot of heavy lifting but I also get to do things like keg carries and handstand walks.

It combines all of the things I grew up doing like gymnastics and sports and makes it super easy for me to get excited about.

trifecta weight loss transformation

Overcoming Conflict

John had hereditary high blood pressure and has taken medicine to regulate it his whole life. Since eating clean though, he has gone from taking 3 medications to 1 super low dosage medication to regulate it.

When he went to the doctor two weeks prior to this story to do a baseline cardiac test, the doctor wrote in his notes: “Resting heart rate seems really low but the patient has lost 100 lbs in the last yr so I think that played a big part in it”. How awesome is that?! Diet and exercise really pay off!

Healthy Tips

I would say two things:

1. Build your army: Really zoom out and look at the people who are going to advocate and be your champion every day of the week because those are the people who are going to encourage you or call you out if you start to fall off your diet.

2. Be patient in the process: Patience is a really good thing. It helps you appreciate the whole ride of it all so much more.

lose weight healthy lifestyle

There are so many things out there that can accelerate the process like supplements and unnatural things but understanding and appreciating patience in this entire process gives you perspective into the end goal.

Staying Motivated

I think what I would say to anyone looking into it is that Trifecta takes away all excuses and makes your goals so achievable. When you get your box each week it’s kind of like your accountability friend.

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