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How This Nurse Got Abs- Mickell's 15 lb Weight Loss

What you eat plays a large impact on your health and mood and Mickell was ready to make a change. Learn how Mickell used Trifecta to reach her goals of feeling better and improving her health, all while losing weight and building muscle. 

"From the time I tried Trifecta, I was instantly in love... and now I feel like I'm hooked!"  - Mickell Escobar, San Diego, CA

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Meet Mickell

I'm 27 years old, live in San Diego, CA, and work as a full-time pediatric intensive care nurse at Rady Children's Hospital. After playing Division 1 softball for 4 years at the University of San Diego, I was looking for something to keep me active and healthy. Through this search, I discovered my love for CrossFit and even expanded my fitness adventures to sprint triathlons and local CrossFit competitions.

Getting Started

I've done a few cutting and massing phases in the past with the Renaissance Periodization diet templates but with my busy work schedule, I was struggling to always have enough food prepped or enough variety in my diet to be able to stick to my plan. RP has always recommended Trifecta and I really liked the A la Carte option where you can buy just meats, carbs, or veggies so you can piece together your own meals based on your macros. 

At the beginning of the year, I started one on one coaching with RP, just to help me get back on track and refocus on myself and my health. I work both night and day shifts, and being on the night shift is really hard on your body, your sleep, your metabolism, and just the overall way you feel. I had a rough end of last year so I just wanted to feel better, especially while I’m at work. My main goals were to get healthier and feel good for the CrossFit Open so having Trifecta has really helped me stick to my plan. 

Find out what Trifecta Meal plan fits your lifestyle to help you achieve your goals!

More Than a Number

When I was in college, I really struggled with my weight. I focused on the wrong things and was super hardcore on dieting which led me down the wrong direction. When I graduated and found CrossFit, RP, and Trifecta, I felt like I really turned the corner in a positive direction and found a healthy balance with everything. 

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Although I've lost 15 lbs with the help of RP and Trifecta, I don’t really focus on a number. I try not to put a number on my goals because there’s so much more to just a number on the scalehow you feel, how your clothes fit, and your energy levels. I mostly focus on how I feel in the gym and when I'm at work I work in a very intense environment that requires you to be mentally and physically on your game the entire time you’re there.

Since I work 12+ hour shifts and I’m constantly on my feet, I want to be able to get through my day feeling energetic so that's what I focus on. It's only been a few months since I started the one-on-one training and Trifecta deliveries, but my transformation has been really great. It's important to note that everyone's journey is different and your time frame and weight loss might be different than mine, but what you do to get healthy is about YOU and not someone else's journey.

A Healthy Balance

Being in San Diego, I like going to the beach, going on hikes, and I also have a dog who's super active so I love taking her out.

I know it's important to eat healthily and exercise, but enjoying time with your friends and family and creating memories are also really important, so finding a balance between those will lead to a happier life.

Don't focus all your time and energy on losing weight or meeting your goals no matter what. Take some time to enjoy life.

I think my mindset really comes from working in the environment that I do, where I see lives cut really short in some sad circumstances, so it’s crucial to remember what’s important in life.

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Staying on Track

From the time I tried Trifecta, I was instantly in love— the food’s amazing,

I’ve had a great experience with the customer service, and now I just feel like I’m hooked! The salmon is one of my favorites from the A La Carte menu and the chicken is amazing. I’m not big into red meat, but I branched out and tried the venison and I actually really liked it! I honestly love everything I've tried so far.

I absolutely LOVE Trifecta! It has made all the difference in maintaining a healthy diet with my busy schedule as a pediatric ICU nurse. Not only is the food delicious, but Trifecta makes it so easy. 

You get your meals delivered weekly so you have no reason to eat out or go to the taco shop because you already have the delicious fresh meals in the fridge, all ready to go.

A lot of times I have to stay late at my job so when I get home and I really don’t want to cook anything, I can just open my fridge, put a piece of chicken on my plate along with some rice and veggies, and I can sit down and have a good meal. I don’t have to think about it because there’s no planning necessary. That's how easy and convenient Trifecta is.

A Tip for Others

One thing I’ve found to be really helpful is having an accountability partner. Whether it’s a one on one coach, a friend, or a family member, just having someone that you can go to when you're struggling or when you’re feeling down can be really useful.

I have a one-on-one coach and he’s great for this; I'm always 100% honest with him on my feelings and how I’m doing, but it's also nice to have my close friends who I can turn to immediately when I'm struggling.

Sometimes I may text them and say “I’m just so hungry” or “I feel like I need to go eat a pizza” and I know that they won't judge me but instead remind me of my goals and what I'm working for, and just keep me going in the right direction.

You need someone to tell you that it’s okay to feel this way and ask how they can help you stay on track, so I would definitely recommend that others find an accountability partner to help them focus on the bigger picture and reach their goals.

Want to share your success? Send your story, photos, and location to 

Ready to look and feel better? Nutrition is the first step, and Trifecta can help. 

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