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Michael, the Triathlete Makes his Comeback

Michael was an active athlete with a history of life getting in the way. Today, thanks to his competitiveness, commitment to training and a nutrition plan supported by Trifecta, Michael is ready for his next challenge. 

Meet Michael

Michael is a business education teacher in Washington. Michael grew up playing sports and won a scholarship to play basketball in college. After college, working more and training less, Michael noticed his weight was becoming an issue and he committed himself to get back in shape.

He set a goal to compete in an Ironman triathlon and in 2016 completed the 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and full 26.2 mile marathon, done consecutively in one day.

After losing some physique since accomplishing his goal, Michael is back and ready for another Ironman.

Finding the Balance

Completing the Ironman Triathlon was a huge accomplishment, although it took a lot out of me mentally and physically. Fast forward to summer of 2019 and I found myself back to around 235 pounds and nowhere near the shape I wanted to be in.

I started doing CrossFit last summer and eventually got my desire to complete another triathlon back. 

My weight has gone from around 235 pounds down to around 205 and I feel as though I am in some of the best shape of my life.

Nutrition's Role

Nutrition has played a HUGE role in my life over the past several years as I have tried to eat clean, quality, organic food. I have a strong commitment and passion for clean eating and when I learned about Trifecta, I was absolutely thrilled with the quality and commitment they have to my similar values.

My wife and I had used GreenChef in the past, but even they do not meet our high expectations at this point. With the selection Trifecta has of organic, clean food, I was super excited to get started.

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What Michael Eats

As someone who eats clean, organic food regularly, I wanted to make sure that if I started using a meal delivery service that they would meet my high expectations.

Trifecta is a food prep delivery company doing it the right way.

Trifecta has affected my diet and lifestyle by becoming a part of my regular meat-meals, usually every other day. I like to order a mix of chicken dishes and the bulk 4 oz chicken breasts from the Meal Prep menu.

I aim to limit my meat consumption to a few days a week but when I do eat meat I can be confident that I am getting it from a great source to help fuel, repair and build my body to the place I want it to get to. 

I love the fact that you can order bulk 4 oz. portions of chicken. It allows me to use in a variety of ways, whether that be chicken tacos, putting it into a dish with other vegetables, etc. The freedom of having your proteins already portioned and cooked is a huge time saver.

Get more chicken meal prep inspiration!

Hurdles in the Road

I experience OCD tendencies that can either make a positive impact on my life (keeping me focused and driven) or can make a negative impact on my life (obsessing about unrealistic things in life).

Since I started exercising regularly in the Summer of 2019 with a mix of CrossFit and Ironman training, I have experienced a significant improvement in my mental health. It really is true that exercise improves mental health.

I would not be able to continue training the way I do without proper fuel and Trifecta is a big part of making sure I have what I need to keep pushing forward.

Eyes on the Future

I am now signed up for the 70.3 (Half) Ironman Triathlon this September in Coeur d’Alene, Washington.

There is no price tag you can put on investing in your health. Food and healthy eating is almost a hobby for me and a huge part of my life.

Food for Thought

My advice for others is to find a sustainable way to eat and train to reach your goals. On paper it sounds great to scratch make all of our food and to dial in every part of calculating macros, but for me it makes it so much easier to have Trifecta take care of this for me.

Trifecta creates clean, simple, quality meals. I get to read the macros right on the label and enjoy a delicious prepared meal so that I can focus on reaching my goals!

Something I keep reminding myself is that we eat clean and nutritious food to fuel our goals. If we can alleviate some of the rigor and stress of what to eat and keep the focus on pushing our training forward, that is a win-win!

My experience with Trifecta has been fantastic, from the timely manor of their arrival, how each meal is packaged, to the taste of the product. Trifecta is a meal delivery service doing it the right way and I encourage everyone to try it and see how they like it.

Inspiration Along the Way

Follow along with Michael's progress and find inspiration of your own on Michael's Instagram feed. 

To learn how to meal prep and eat like Michael, download our free Meal Prep Toolkit for Weight loss and begin your own fitness or weight loss journey!

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