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Pickled Vegetables Recipe (Pickling Liquid)

Pickle Me Elmo

Have you ever wondered, is a pickle a fruit or a vegetable? Put it simply, pickles are any fruit or vegetable of your choice that is 'cooked' or preserved in a flavored acidic medium, like a vinegar or a brine. Pickled vegetables have to be the most useful addition to any dish. Aside from the possibility of adding some bright colors, pickled veggies add an acidic component to your dishes, brightening the flavors of your overall meal.

Have some fun...

Be cautious when pickling, as it can lead to some food borne illnesses if you don't store your pickles correctly (keep them in the fridge!). But all warnings aside, we encourage you to pickle any veggies you like, and them add them to your meal prep as you wish! Try any individual or a mix of these, and add them to your Trifecta A La Carte or Classic menu items:

  • Beets, radishes, harricot verts, turnips, carrots, cauliflower,
  • Rainbow cabbage, zucchini, fennel bulbs, jalapeños, or sweet peppers

Pickled Vegetable Recipe (Pickling Liquid)


1440 min


20 min




This recipe uses a cold pickling method. Pickle any choice of veggies in mason jars (how cool of you!), for a minimum of 18 hours before using. There are also other pickling methods, like the hot quick one, which yields a pickle in about 3 hours. This recipe ensures your safety and opens the option of flavoring your pickling liquid however you want. Have fun!


  • 4 to 5 Cups Veggies of Choice
  • 2 Cups Water
  • 2 Cups Vinegar of Choice
  • 2 Tbsp. Salt
  • 4 Tbsp. Sugar
  • 2 Springs Fresh Herbs, like Dill, Fennel Bulbs, or Thyme
  • 1 Tbsp. Corriander Seed
  • 2 Tsp. Peppercorn
  • 1 Tsp. Mustard Seed
  • 2-3 Star Anise
  • 4-5 e/a Garlic Cloves, Smashed


  1. Bring the first four ingredients, plus all spices up to a boil in a pot, mixing constantly until all salt and sugar are dissolved. Once solids are dissolved, kill the heat and immediately cool down your pot in an ice bath, stirring constantly.

  2. Once in an ice bath, add fresh herbs. These may turn brown. After the liquid is completely cooled down, you can always replace the herbs with fresh ones to have some bright green colors. This first edition of herbs will impart the flavor of them into the pickling liquid. Replacing them with fresh ones after the liquid is fully cooled will yield an attractive pickling jar.

  3. Meanwhile, prepare veggies of choice. Cut into bite-size pieces, or in any desired length or size. Stuff vegetables into jars, and pour pickling liquid on top of veggies or store in container until needed. Cold pickling may take from 18 to 24 hours.


  • Use any vinegar of choice. My suggestion is to always use flavorful vinegar - these will add a massive depth of flavor to your pickles versus simply using white vinegar (by all means, please don't use white vinegar). For any deep red color, use red wine vinegar. Apple cider and champagne vinegar are two of my favorite vins.
  • Botulism, a food borne illness, is a risk factor when canning or pickling foods. To make sure this doesn't happen, time and temperature control are an essential factor to take care of. Cool down the pickling liquid as indicated.


Servings: ~40 individual servings | Calories Per Serving: 23

  • Total Fat 0g
  • Cholesterol 0g
  • Sodium 243mg
  • Total Carbohydrates 6g
  • Sugars 1g
  • Protein 0g
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C