Trifecta - Nutrition & Fitness

Trifecta Five Minute Burger Recipe

Written by Chef Mario Limaduran | October 22, 2019 at 10:23 PM

I have to be honest with you wonderful internet people... I love burgers, and sometimes I consume two per week. I'm bragging. But also communicating that burgers can in fact be made into healthier versions. If using grass-fed beef, whole grain buns, fresh produce, and enjoyed with a side of veggies, why would a burger have to be flagged as inefficient for your health goals? It's all about balance, right? 

Thankfully... our Trifecta beef patties are grass-fed AND 90% lean, and our produce is organic! Now the rest is up to you.

Use these recipe at your discretion and adjust it as needed - this is just a guideline to help get your creative juices flowing to make a quick lunch or dinner! (PSA: I ate this same recipe at the Trifecta HQ's - and I may have added cheese to it. Proof in the picture!). Here's to your health!