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Vitamins and Supplements You Should Take

Over half of all Americans (68%) take vitamins and supplements. It is critical we get enough of these essential micronutrients to optimally function on a daily basis - for our brains, bones, blood, metabolism and more (1). 

But about 10% of the people in the United States have a nutrient deficiency - and this can jump to as many as 30% in certain populations. While these deficiencies are dangerous, taking too many supplements can also be bad for your health (2).

Here’s your step by step guide to what vitamins and minerals you should be taking. 

What are Vitamins vs. Supplements ?

Dietary supplements include essential micronutrients like vitamins and minerals as well as amino acids, enzymes, and herbs. They come in non-food forms such as pills, capsules, powders or liquids and are taken with the intention to help support our health. You can shop for these products just about anywhere with a wide selection often available in natural food sections, CVS like stores, at the pharmacy, and of course online.

The nutrition found in a balanced diet often naturally provides adequate sources of vitamins you need for your health and wellness.  However, many people are at risk for nutrient deficiencies that can easily be avoided by taking the right dietary supplements.   

The federal drug administration (FDA) is not required to monitor supplements. And with so many choices, ingredients, formulations and different brands, it can be hard as a consumer to find accurate information about the quality and safety of each supplement and choose which one is right for you. 

Vitamin Deficiencies 

Specific populations are at much higher risk for micronutrient deficiences.  

These include people who have: 

  1. Low Intake of Micronutrients (ie: restricted diets such as vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free)
  2. Difficulty Absorbing Micronutrients (ie: Crohn’s Disease, gastric bypass, celiac disease)
  3. Difficulty Producing Micronutrients (ie: vitamin D deficiency in those not exposed to sunlight)
  4. Increased Loss of Micronutrients (ie: dialysis)
  5. Difficulty with Metabolism (ie: genetic conditions, alcoholism)


Multivitamins are the most common supplement people take. They contain the right amounts of vitamins and mineral supplements most of us need on a daily basis. 

Taking a daily multivitamin is an easy and effective way for most people to meet their essential micronutrient needs.  

Multivitamins help us to avoid the most common nutrient deficiencies including (2): 

Best Vitamins for Women 

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding need to be careful with their nutritional intake and take additional supplements in order to best care for their baby.

Women are also more susceptible to iron deficiencies and may be at risk for other nutritional deficiencies after menopause. 

Prenatal Vitamins 

Physical deformities, developmental delays, mental retardation, and miscarriages are all potential devastating consequences of nutrient deficiencies during pregnancy. It’s therefore especially important for pregnant women to get enough micronutrients to support both themselves and the baby growing inside them. 

The world’s most preventable cause of mental retardation is low iodine levels (2).

All women who are trying to get pregnant, are currently pregnant and those who are breastfeeding should be taking a prenatal vitamin. 

Best Prenatal Vitamins 

In general, prenatal vitamins should include at least these essential micronutrients (2, 3, 4, 5). 

Micronutrient Primary Function Daily Requirement
Folic Acid  Neurological Development 400 mcg
Iodine Thyroid & Neurological Development 150 mcg
Iron Red Blood Cell Function, Growth varies based on person
Calcium Lowers Risk of Pre-Eclampsia 1 gram
Vitamin D General Development & Bone Health 600-4,000 IU


While these nutrients are important for all pregnant women, some women need higher levels than others. Talk with your doctor to make sure you’re on a prenatal vitamin that’s right for you

Iron Supplements 

Iron is needed in your blood to help carry oxygen to every cell in your body. Low levels of iron cause anemia, referred to as iron deficiency anemia. 

Women are at an increased risk for iron deficiency, especially women with heavy menses and pregnant or breastfeeding women. 


High-Risk Conditions for Iron Deficiency 

  1. Women (especially pregnant & breastfeeding)
  2. Vegetarians & Vegans
  3. Absorption Disorders (ie: celiac disease, crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis)
  4. Blood Loss & Bleeding Disorders

People with iron deficiencies usually need more iron than what’s included in most multivitamins.

Most people with iron deficiency need at least 150-200 mg of iron supplements daily (6). 

Postmenopausal Women

After menopause, women are at a higher risk for osteoporosis, a condition that involves the loss of bone density.  Vitamin D and calcium help bones to stay strong. 

The National Institute of Health Recommends 1500mg of calcium & 600-800 IU of vitamin D daily for postmenopausal women (7). 

Best Vitamins for Men 

Men need many of the same nutritional supplements as women. Many men consider taking testosterone supplements, especially as they age. 

Testosterone Supplements

Testosterone isn’t a dietary vitamin or a mineral. However, it’s included here because many men wonder if they should be taking it as a supplement. 

Testosterone is an important hormone that helps men’s: 

  1. Production of Sperm
  2. Bone Health 
  3. Muscle Development & Maintenance
  4. Libido
  5. Blood Health

Testosterone starts to decline in men around their 30’s. 

Some men have abnormally low testosterone (ie: in hypogonadism) for which their doctors may prescribe testosterone supplements. 

There isn’t any good evidence that taking testosterone supplements helps otherwise healthy men, even as they age and their testosterone levels naturally decline. There are also side effects of taking testosterone. 

Potential Health Risks of Testosterone Supplements: 

  1. Enlarged Prostate
  2. Enlarged Breasts
  3. Testicle Shrinkage
  4. Sleep Apnea
  5. Heart Disease
  6. Blood Clots (DVT & PE)
  7. Acne

Before you decide to start taking testosterone, it’s important to consider these potential risks and discuss them further with your doctor (8). 

Vitamins in Older Adults 

Health problems, unfortunately, become more common as people age. To help best support elderly individuals, the following extra supplements are often recommended, in addition to a well-balanced nutrient-dense diet (9, 10). 

Micronutrient Primary Function Recommended Daily Dose
Calcium  Supports Bone Health & Helps Prevent Osteoporosis 1200mg
Vitamin D  Supports Bone Health & Helps Prevent Osteoporosis 600-800 IU 
Vitamin B12  Supports Neurological Health 2.4 mcg 
Omega 3 Fatty Acids Helps Prevent Cardiovascular Disease, Decreases Inflammation, Possible Preventative Influence  Alzheimer's & Cancer 1000mg
Vitamin B6  Supports Blood Health 1.7 mg 


Vitamins for Energy 

Many nutrient deficiencies can result in low energy levels, including vitamins and minerals such as iron. 

The B vitamins, especially vitamin B12 , seem to have a particularly positive influence on energy. 

Older adults, people with limited diets including vegans, and people with medical conditions affecting nutrient absorption are at an especially high risk for B12 deficiency. 

Eye Vitamins

Studies have shown that certain supplements may help to prevent problems with our eyes. In fact research has shown that a treatment of combined micronutrients can help prevent age-related macular degeneration(11).

Recommended Supplements for People at High Risk for Macular Degeneration 

Micronutrient Daily Recommended Dose
Vitamin C 500 mg 
Vitamin E  400 IU
Zinc  80 mg 
Beta-carotene (non-smokers only) 15 mg
Copper 2 mg


Vitamins for Memory 

While it’s extremely important for the brain to get enough of the essential micronutrients, many people wonder if additional supplementation may help memory and even prevent brain problems like dementia.

Brain Vitamins 

Because of the antioxidant properties of vitamins A, E and C it has been theorized that additional supplementation may help prevent memory loss. 

However, studies have not found any good evidence that taking an excess over what our bodies need of these micronutrients helped to prevent memory conditions like Alzheimer disease.

And because too much of these vitamins can result in toxicities, the potential cons seem to outweigh the theoretical pros as research has not shown a surplus to be beneficial. Therefore it is not recommended to take more than the daily requirements for memory loss prevention (12). 

Hair, Skin & Nail Vitamins

Deficiencies in almost any of the essential micronutrients can contribute to problems with hair, skin, and nails.

In particular, vitamin C, E, A, and biotin, are all thought to play a particularly important role (13). However, there is no good evidence that taking any of these vitamins in excess of our daily requirements gives additional benefit. 

 Water Soluble Vitamins  

Water-soluble vitamins are those that are easily absorbed. The body also gets rid of these nutrients easily. This means we need to frequently replenish them to meet all of our daily requirements. 

Water Soluble Vitamin List: 

  1. B Vitamins
  2. Vitamin C 

Fat-Soluble Vitamins 

Fat-soluble vitamins aren’t absorbed quite as easily into the body - and require other substances including bile and other proteins to help them be distributed into the body. Surplus fat-soluble vitamins are also often stored in fat tissue or in the liver (14). 

Fat Soluble Vitamin List: 

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin D
  3. Vitamin E
  4. Vitamin K 

Vitamin Toxicities 

Vitamins are generally safe and beneficial. However, taking too much of some vitamins can cause harm. These dangers are especially applicable to the fat-soluble vitamins as they are more easily stored (and can thus more easily accumulate) in the body (15). 

Micronutrient Possible Toxic Effects Toxic Dose
Vitamin A Birth Defects, Liver Problems, Skin Conditions, Osteoporosis >10,000 IU
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Flushing, Nausea, Vomiting, Elevated Liver Tests, Constipation >500 mg (>35 mg for skin flushing)
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Numbness/Tingling, Skin Conditions, Nausea, Vomiting >200 mg
Vitamin C Kidney Stones > 1000 mg
Vitamin E Diarrhea, Vomiting, Blood Problems, Fatigue > 800 IU


Bottom Line: Supplements can be powerful and interact with each unique person in different ways. It’s therefore extremely important to talk with a health professional about what supplements you are taking and to get their recommendation on which supplements are best for you.

This is especially important when starting a new medication and before surgery. 

You can ensure you’re getting all the micronutrients you need by eating a: 

  1. Well-balanced nutrient-dense diet. This means eating foods that are relatively low in calories compared to how many 

  2. Portion controlled diet. This helps to prevent complications of obesity and other diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.