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You Can't Outwork a Bad Diet- How this CrossFitter Lost 35 lbs

When it comes to weight loss, the right mix between a healthy diet and exercise can go a long way in giving you the body you want. After years of focusing solely on exercise, Molly learned that she needed to start counting macros if she wanted to start feeling good in her own skin. Check out her full story below to learn how she lost 35lbs and improved her overall well-being with the help of Trifecta's Meal Prep. 

"Trifecta has really simplified my life and helps me stay on track even when I’m super busy and crunched for time during the week. I'm looking forward to more changes in my body and strength over the next year!" —Molly Pearson, Stillwater, OK.


I'm 34 years old, married, and grew up in Omaha, NE. I currently live in  Stillwater, OK, and work as a corporate attorney for a construction equipment manufacturer. I've done triathlons of every distance, including 3 full Ironmans! I've also done several ultra-marathons and I really enjoy trail running. When I have some extra time, I love riding my horses and just spending time with them.

Struggling in the Gym 

My main goal was to lose some weight. I had been working really hard at CrossFit for about 4.5 years, but I was still overweight and I wasn't able to do a lot of things in the gym that I wanted to do. I couldn't string together pull-ups or do a lot of the bodyweight stuff very well. Clearly, what I was doing wasn't working because I wasn't able to shed the weight like I wanted toI really just wanted to slim down, not only to do better in the gym and be able to get stronger and leaner but just to improve my self-confidence because I wasn't feeling good in my own skin. I was focusing more on exercise and hoping that I could reach my goal just through that, but I wasn't paying much attention to my nutrition.

A New Approach

Last year, I took my CrossFit L1 in April but was a little frustrated because I wasn't getting the results I wanted. I was still gaining a lot of weight! I just wanted to be able to perform better and when I was at my L1, I happened to meet Jason Ackerman who is on the seminar staff, and he also does Own Your Eating, which is basically macro counting. I was really interested in making a change so I started doing their program and focusing on my nutrition along with CrossFit. 

This was around the same that Brooke Ence was posting about her next surgery and how she'd be relying on Trifecta food to help her stay on track with her numbers. That's how I first heard of Trifecta and I instantly thought it would be the perfect fit for my crazy schedule. 

The Perfect Match

I'm very very busy during the week; I leave the house around 7:10 am and don't get back until 9 pm, so I really don't have a lot of time. Trifecta was perfect because I didn't want to spend a lot of time meal prepping, but I liked the idea of having good choices that I knew were good quality and that I could measure out to fit my numbers at the end of the day.

I decided to order some proteins and carbs from the Meal Prep menu and I've been ordering Trifecta for about a year now! It's just made counting macros so much easier and so much less stressful because it takes that portion out for me, and I don't have to spend my whole Sunday meal prepping anymore. I also love using the Meal Prep items because I can get creative in the kitchen while still hitting my macros!

Find out what meal plan will help you crush your macros! 

Molly Pearson 4

All of the food that I've tried is really delicious and the macros are really goodthey're not super high in fat or carbs, plus they're easy to fit into your day! Everything tastes really good and fresh, and Trifecta just really simplifies my life; I'm all about saving time if I can, so the deliveries have been so convenient.  My husband also uses Trifecta and Own Your Eating and it's been such a time-saver for both of us. Now, instead of spending a whole day meal prepping or grocery shopping, we're actually able to spend more time together and I think that's another great benefit of using Trifecta.

Fueling My Success

In the year that I've been eating delicious Trifecta foods and counting macros with Own Your Eating, I've lost 35 pounds! I went from 205 lbs in February of 2018 to 170 lbs in February of 2018. The results have been amazing and I'm excited to keep making progress toward my goal. I'm really looking forward to more changes in my body and strength over the next year!

molly pearson transformation

Before and after: Molly's transformation from February 2017 to February 2018.

Trifecta has made it so easy to stick to my macros even when I'm crunched for time during the week. When I get home from the gym in the evening and need something quick and easy, I can just measure out the amount of protein I need to fit my numbers, then add my carbs or veggies. With Trifecta's Meal Prep, I can always hit macros at the end of the day while eating food that's delicious, and that I actually really enjoy! My absolute favorite is the steakit's soooo good and cooked so well. You know, you get pre-cooked food and you don't expect it to be juicy or flavorful but I've been so impressed with everything because their team does such an amazing job. They really make it so easy to stick to my plan and reach my goal of losing weight and feeling comfortable in my own skin.

Improving My Health & Well-Being

About a year ago, before I started the Own Your Eating and Trifecta combo, I had some blood work done and the results weren't awesome. My cholesterol and blood sugar levels were a little high and I was kind of on the edge where my doctor said I wasn't quite pre-diabetic, but I was really close. That definitely scared me and I knew that I really needed to get serious and make changes. A few weeks ago, I had some new blood work done and after a year of doing Own Your Eating and eating Trifecta, all of my levels are normal! I'm so pumped about the progress that I've made in a year and I'm happy to say that I've improved my overall health while reaching the personal goals that I've set for myself.

Want to share your success? Send your story, photos, and location to 

Ready to feel good in your own skin? Trifecta has the tools, coaching, and food to help you optimize your health. 

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