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Brooke Ence's Strategies & Tips for the CrossFit® Open 18.4 Workout

After three long weeks, the end of the open is finally in sight. 18.1 kicked off the open with a tough 20 minutes AMRAP. 18.2 brought another challenge with the ascending couplet and 1-rep max clean. And, 18.3 brought a grueling double under workout that really brought out the fittest of the fit. Since the release of 18.4, it is already proving to be as tough as we thought it would. So with that being said, we asked Brooke Ence once again, for her tips and strategies for surviving this week of the open.  




Warm-Up for 18.4 

Brooke wanted to give an ideal warm-up for before this workout. Brooke mentioned how important it is to get a proper warm-up in before this workout. Brooke recommends focusing on your hips, back and core. She recommends: (2x) 10 reps of high kicks (front/back), (2x) 10 reps of high kicks (side to side), (2x) 10 banded good mornings, (2x) walking on the outsides of your feet for 20 seconds, (2x) 10 banded squats while pushing knees out, a few different core warm-ups and some more hip stretches.

Tip #1

Brooke's first tip is for Diane (21-15-9 deadlifts and handstand pushups). Brooke mentions to really think about what your goal is during this workout. This workout is only 9 minutes so you really have to be explosive. Because the weight does get heavier with the deadlifts in the second half of this workout, Brooke recommends going hard on what you know you can complete.

If the Diane portion of the workout is easier for you, put more energy into completing that quickly, so that you can chip away at the second part of the workout as needed. Brooke also wants to remind us that this workout does have a lot of hip movement, so it may be valuable to break up the first part of the workout a little more so that when you get to the second part, your hips aren't completely exhausted. Ultimately, she mentioned to not let your technique fall in the process, as that can hurt you especially with the heavier deadlifts. 

Tip #2

Brooke's next tip is for the second portion of the workout (21-15-9 heavier deadlifts and 50 ft handstand walks). Brooke's tips for the handstand walk are to think about keeping a very tight body position, squeezing your feet together, and actively think about pushing into the floor and using your lats. 

Tip #3

Brooke once again wants to remind you to not make big changes to your routine, training, and warm-up for the open. This is a time to show what you can do through the training you already have done. It will be really important to not entirely switch what you are used to just because you've heard some new advice. Overall, she wants to remind you to have fun with this workout, as that is what the open is all about!  

For more workout tips by Brooke Ence check out the Trifecta App: