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Brooke Ence's Strategies & Tips for the CrossFit® Open 18.3 Workout 

The last two weeks have been filled with a variety of challenges. 18.1 kicked off the open with a tough 20 minutes AMRAP. 18.2 brought another challenge with the ascending couplet and 1-rep max clean. Since the release of 18.3, it is already proving to be as tough as we thought it would. So with that being said, we asked Brooke Ence once again, for her tips and strategies for surviving this week of the open. 



Warm-Up for 18.3 

Brooke wanted to give an ideal warm-up for before this workout. Brooke mentioned how important it is to get a proper warm-up in before this workout. Brooke recommends focusing on warming up your ankles, knees, and shoulders. She recommends: (2x) walking on your toes for 20 seconds, (2x) walking on your heels for 20 seconds, (2x) walking on the insides of your feet for 20 seconds, (2x) walking on the outsides of your feet for 20 seconds, (2x) 8 reps of standing hip stretches, (2x) 8 reps of shoulder stretches, (2x) 8 reps of overhead stretch with a bar, (2x) 8 reps of shoulder stretches using a resistance band.

Tip #1

Brooke's first tip for the double unders is to make sure to warm up your ankle and achilles heel. This workout has 800 double unders through the course of it so a proper warm-up is crucial. Also, Brooke recommends to only do this workout one time because of the stress it can put on your body. Brooke also mentions to think realistically about how you will go about the double unders, breaking them up into either sets of 50 or 25, is not a bad idea if you are going to do it correctly.

Tip #2

Brooke's next tip is for the muscle ups. If this is a part where you are nervous about, her tip is to really plan for that. If you know you need more time to spend on the muscle ups, get through the double unders quickly so that you can give yourself more time to focus on the muscle ups. 

Tip #3

Brooke's last tip is for the 20 dumbbell snatches. Brooke mentions that it is extremely important to remember the standards for this portion of the workout. Brooke reminds us that the standards are to bring the dumbbell below your chin before you can switch the dumbbell to the opposite hand. This portion of the workout should be the easiest portion, so it's a great opportunity to make up some time by keeping your intensity fast. 

For more workout tips by Brooke Ence check out the Trifecta App: