Trifecta - Nutrition & Fitness

How Nick Lost 30 Pounds on a Plant Based Diet

Written by Bailey Cook | December 1, 2020 at 2:00 PM

Living a vegan lifestyle and having a newborn baby can be challenging when it means that you have little time to make sure you are consuming the right quality of foods. But, that didn’t stop Nick from working towards his health goals to live a well-balanced life.

Committing to Trifecta has been a game-changer for Nick because his energy levels have gone up and he knows that it meets all of his macro and nutritional needs. Just by eating the vegan meal plans, Nick lost about 30 lbs over a few months, which has altered his way of life for the better. Just by changing his diet, he has found it rewarding not only for him, but so that he can be all in, in every area of his life.

Meet Nick

Nick Cantrell, from Lancaster, California, has been around since the beginning of Trifecta. His cousins are Co-founders, Greg Connolly and Liz Connolly, and Claire Sky, Business Operations Manager. Nick was aware of the family business, but never really considered it for himself.

It took Nick noticing how health was affecting his everyday life, to realize he had to make a change. After a conversation with Liz, he decided to commit to prioritizing his nutrition with a vegan meal delivery plan.

"I now had improved focus and energy levels. I have been given an opportunity to spend more time with my daughter and less time having to worry about health concerns from unhealthy habits. I felt rewarded by the extra time I now have to enjoy the things that matter to me."

Find a meal plan that matches your lifestyle and optimizes your health

Why Vegan?

"My wife, Vanessa, and I chose to be vegan two years ago after losing two of our family cats due to poor health conditions. After this difficult time, like losing a loved one, we decided to switch from vegetarian to vegan by our desire to avoid suffering and cruelty to animals at all costs."

This is what nutritionists call “ethical vegans”.

"Prior to, the transition from an omnivorous diet to a vegetarian diet was the most difficult for us. Another challenging obstacle was committing to saying 'no' to some of our guilty pleasures, such as the In-n-Out burger. As time moved on, we were able to find other options to fulfill our dietary needs.

It was definitely an adjustment to where we could eat out," says Nick.

"More and more restaurants began to assure a variety of vegetarian and vegan alternatives as these diets become more popular.

Although there are more options available, this doesn’t always mean that those foods are healthy options."

For Nick and his wife, being vegan made it difficult to enjoy restaurants and dishes they previously loved. “Now more than ever, it’s so easy to be vegan,” Nick says, "Because the vegan food options are constantly growing." 

“Instead of choosing to not make dinner I would just grab a bag of Chex Mex."

Nick’s Turning Point: Being A New Father

In December 2019, Nick's life changed when his daughter Olivia was born.

"My energy levels were low and I felt sluggish. I realized that I needed to change my health habits in order to be the best father I can be. I wanted to change to not only better myself, but also for my family."

Life During COVID-19

While COVID-19 has lead to distance learning for students, this presented new challenges for teachers.

"I'm a sixth grade teacher and have such little time to make food, let alone buy it. While I was trying to eat healthier, I had to spend hours meal prepping but by supplementing with Trifecta, I was able to save valuable time. I even had more time to put towards other priorities, and didn't have to worry about the food I was eating."

"Having something like Trifecta takes out a lot of guessing," says Nick. "It was an obvious choice for me."

How He Overcame the Hurdle

The first part was the hardest.

"While I am a vegan, my diet wasn't 'healthy.' I started ordering Trifecta prior to the beginning of COVID-19 in March weighing-in at 241 lbs.

Those first few pounds were the most challenging for me; however, I was confident that the food came from clean and organic sources. I knew that my meals were properly portioned and that my macros were met.

Trifecta helped me create a mindset for myself that if I do all of the right things now, then it can only help me succeed in the long-term.

“I kept my nose to the grindstones.”

"It took time to notice results but at around 15-20 pounds down, I noticed my clothes weren't fitting anymore. However, I wasn't satisfied. I continued to eat the meals and workout in my home gym, because I started feeling better within."

In just six months, Nick saw that he was right. Staying consistent with his diet paid off. 

"Over the course of six months, I lost 30 lbs with consistency in the food I was consuming and a daily workout routine."

"I went from 241 lbs to 211 lbs and felt great."

This change also helped him accomplish another goal: spending time with Olivia.

"I can't imagine not being here with my daughter in her earliest stages, Working from home is challenging, but it has been wonderful for the dad's out there that might not normally get the opportunity to go on leave when they have a child." says Nick.

A Creature of Habit

Nick knew that looking after his health should always be a priority; however, it was consistency that would make the difference.

“With Trifecta, it makes it much easier to have the portions planned out and allows me the freedom to live a well-balanced life that I can enjoy.”

I realized that I was sucked into a habitual unhealthy routine and needed to be consistent with better options. It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle. People really need to understand that it isn’t a quick fix to meet your goals. It takes time and being consistent with a well-rounded health and fitness schedule, and that's what I did. I made a commitment.

“I am a creature of habit.”

Habits can either help or hurt you. I realized I was subconsciously creating these tendencies of relying on "quick- fix" snacks because I have a habit of prioritizing convenience. Once I understood this, I was able to turn unhealthy habits into good ones. I found an easy way to prioritize my nutrition. 

Nick also found that he had time to create and work towards new goals. He went from wanting to be healthy to living a well-balance way of life. 

"I am more confident in where I'm getting my food, and am able to focus in other areas of my life, as a father, husband, and teacher all while achieving my health goals."

"I can't see myself not using Trifecta, it just makes it so simple to achieve my goals living a vegan lifestyle."

A routine not only helps begin newer and healthier habits, but allows the space to prioritize wants and goals to optimize self investment.

Finding A Balance

As a new father, teacher, husband, and vegan, there are a lot of different focuses pulling me in several directions. While it takes a lot of work being the very best at all of those roles, I have found that my nutrition has helped me excel in all of these areas. I noticed how I am more motivated overall and have claimed this as my newer lifestyle because it works for me.

“My goal in life is to find a balance of being able to provide, and have enough energy to be there with my family to enjoy life.”

While prioritizing my health and wellness, I still like to treat myself every now and then. Always make room to enjoy the little things in life, and this will help you keep a balance in your life.

With my busy lifestyle, I enjoy how Trifecta has benefited me because I have been patient and seen those noticeable results. Meal delivery gives me the convenience of prepared meals with healthy vegan options, balanced out macros, and has allowed me the freedom to live a well balanced life. 

I can't see myself without having Trifecta. It just makes my job that much easier to take care of myself, so that I can take care of my family.

What's Nick's Trifecta Order?

I choose between two Trifecta meals a day of the Vegan Meal Plan and options from A La Carte. Some of my favorites include the Teriyaki and Quinoa Bowls from the meal plan and I love eating the Beyond Burgers for dinner.

Breakfast: Fruit & Oatmeal

Lunch: Teriyaki Bowl

Dinner: Beyond Burger

“Go to” Snacks: Apples & Peanut Butter, Protein Shakes, Trifecta Lemon Chili Almonds

I usually know what I'm having for breakfast and like to change up my lunch and dinners with my Trifecta meals.

Nick's Beyond Burger Recipe:


  • 1 - Trifecta Beyond Burger Patties
  • 1 - Killer Dave's Hamburger Buns
  • 1/4 - Sliced Onion
  • 1/4 - Sliced Heirloom Tomatoes
  • 1 Leaf - Romain Lettuce
  • Optional Sauce: Ketchup & Mustard

I usually heat up the Trifecta Beyond Burger patties on a medium heat for 2 1/2 minutes on both sides. I love Killer Dave's hamburger buns, and then I like to slice up some onion, tomato, lettuce, and then add some ketchup and mustard.  It's simple and delicious!

"With Trifecta, there's no guessing. I know what I am eating for every meal."

The Secret Sauce to Success

Living in a worldly pandemic is not easy.

One can either thrive during this time or fall behind. Those who prosper, tend to achieve smaller goals to reach one pillar goal. The secret sauce to your success with any area in life begins with your well-being and staying consistent.

Everything we do and every emotion we feel relates to our well-being, which directly affects our actions and emotions. Therefore, it is crucial for everyone to achieve optimal wellness in order to subdue stress levels, optimize concentration, and take care of mental health.

It all starts with nutrition.

Start your transformational journey like Nick today with Trifecta.