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The Trainer That Tries Everything, Tests Trifecta Clean Eating

Andy is a gym owner and coach living in Los Angeles, California. Because of the nature of his work, Andy constantly has clients asking him what diet, workout and meal prep systems work the best.

To provide valuable, first hand information to his clients, and since he's passionate about always trying new things, Andy tests everything for himself.

Andy had known about Trifecta from athletes he admires, but when he started getting more questions about it around the gym, he had to get a hold of it for himself. We caught up with Andy to see what he thinks.

Meet Andy

Andy is the owner and head coach at Hollywood CrossFit in Los Angeles, California. Andy prides himself on knowing his stuff. Just check out all of his certifications:

  • USAW Level 1
  • CrossFit Level 3
  • IKSFA Level 1
  • CrossFit Endurance
  • CrossFit Kids
  • CrossFit Olympic Lifting
  • CrossFit Football
  • CrossFit Nutrition
  • CrossFit Gymnastics
  • USA Gymnastic Safety
  • The Cooper Institute – CPT
  • Personal Fitness – NASM
  • Basic Barbell
  • Strength and Olympic Lifting
  • Registered Massage Therapist
  • Jow Gau
  • 7 Star Praying Mantis Kung Fu
  • First Aid/CPR

Hunger for Knowledge

When you work with me, you know you’re getting the best information. It’s one of the reasons so many of my high-profile clients trust me.

“I've tried just about everything. It’s kind of the fun part about my job. I have no excuse not to try this stuff because it's literally all I do.

“If you're gonna do something, you might as well do it as best it can be, right?”

I started getting questions from clients about the right diet for them and the right providers for it.

“I've done the Zone diet. I've done Paleo. I’ve done everything. I'll do it all the way through, to the T, by the books, just so I can formulate my own opinion on how well it works, how I felt, how the blood work did, all the stuff like that, that way if somebody's asked me a question, I'll have an opinion. I'll be able to help me out with it.

“And Trifecta was one of those things.”

I have tested other meal delivery services in the past but while some offered low carb meals, none were addressing proper nutrition.

“I had done meal stuff before in the past. I tried one and it was just a cop-out. I mean, for breakfast there was like waffles with whipped cream strawberries and I was like what the heck is this? I was kind of pissed off about it”

After a bad experience, I was on a hunt for an appropriate food service that matched my own nutritional discipline.

“I was training some celebrity clients on set and we were trying to work out something to where they were able to eat whenever I wasn't there to be in control.”

I found Trifecta and decided to try it for myself. Not only was it to be a learning experience, but it was also a solution in my own life.

“Hunting for food sucks. That's literally the bane of my existence. I hate having to search for food during the day."

“Trying to manage time to exercise, deal with my business, and deal with my other stuff, figuring out what to eat and then getting it or cooking it, it drove me crazy.”

I ordered the clean eating meal plan and I eat three Trifecta meals each day. The convenience lets me stay focused on my daily tasks and the calories give me wiggle room to enjoy a protein shake or treat during the day without blowing up my caloric budget.

Discover what meal plan fits your lifestyle using the quiz below!

“I like how I know the carbohydrate and the protein amount. I like that it's nutrient-dense. And I like that there are on average about five hundred calories, which makes me be able to manage that really easily. I know that I do best when I'm eating about that much with a higher protein content. It’s worked out really really well.

What Andy Eats:

Breakfast- Whey protein shake with fruit, avocado, water
Pre-lunch- Trifecta clean meal
Lunch- Trifecta clean meal
Dinner- Trifecta clean meal
Before bed- Whey protein or casein and an apple or some chips, almonds, ice cream or whatever I’m feeling.

Balancing Act

My discipline can be a double-edged sword. I have followed programs like RP in the past with good results, but the constant weight, measuring, and tracking was putting too much pressure on me to stay strict.

Trifecta’s pre-portioned and macro-balanced meals help me add balance to my life without getting off track.

“I do everything to the T. I didn't want to have to freak out about everything so much. I was having to weigh and measure everything to the T exactly how it wanted me to because that's what I signed up for.

“It’s very simple, straight forward, and tastes good. It makes my life easier.”

My zeal for trying new things is what keeps me active too. I believe in finding activities I enjoy to keep me motivated and to not be afraid of trying new things.

“I was competitive CrossFit in 2009 and 2010 and then up to 2011 and then I started doing weight lifting at the end of 2011. I went through that through 2015 and then then I switch back to CrossFit and then I switched back to martial arts, then I was doing triathlons and I’m focusing on rock climbing now.

“I just like to switch things up all the way. I just like to do that so if somebody comes to me and is like ‘Hey, I want to try this,’ I'm not dumbfounded. I can be a lot more specific.

“I believe in CrossFit. I know it works, but then, you know, all the other stuff is fun too.”

Not only do I gain expertise from my experiences, being new things helps keep me motivated. I encourage people to get out of their comfort zones and not be afraid to suck at first.

“I think a lot of times people are afraid to suck. It's like, yeah, in the beginning you're going to suck at whatever it is that you're doing."

"To me, that drives me crazy. I hate sucking and I will do whatever it takes to not suck at it. I'll just do the damn thing until I'm good at it or at least better than average."

Not only will getting out of the beginner stage keep you going, but new activities also come without previous bests you can no longer achieve. The only direction is up and that alone is inspiring to Andy.

“As I age and get older, my numbers in the past were faster, stronger, heavier. And so it's like doing that kind of stuff, you can feel down that you're not lifting the same out or you're not going as fast as you once were and so I like trying new shit. You can just go and it's cool.”

Expert Advice

What does Andy tell people who are looking to start their own fitness journey?

“Just have a goal no matter what, because now you have something to do versus just coming in like, ‘I hope I look good at the end of this.’ That type of thing drives me crazy. It's like we're wasting time here.”

Not just a goal, but a plan. Andy achieves his goals because he’s able to break them down into actionable steps.

“A couple of years ago I and a buddy of mine got into skydiving. We saw a video of some people doing this dual jump where they were doing this acrobatic trick together which looked so rad and we were like, ‘Dude, we need to recreate this!'

“So we wanted to learn everything to know about skydiving, to go and train, going in the wind tunnels, going to do all this stuff on-site, and learning how to do all the jumping. It gave us motivation.”

Andy’s Workout Week:

“I work out roughly 5 days a week and on weekends I’m always doing something active like rock climbing, slacklining, hiking, or whatever! Anything that gets me outside.”

Eyes Ahead

Right now I have a goal of climbing El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, the largest granite monolith in the world. I'm also learning to hang glide. No matter what I am up to, I am doing it with passion and excitement. I am not one to lay around on the beach and I am not starting any time soon.

“It’s about seeing something bright and shiny and running towards it. I see a lot of bright shiny shit.”

Whether you're looking to lose weight, build muscle, or even gain weight, Trifecta can help.

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